Overhead Gains Automated Trading Strategies​
Strategies developed by Overhead Gains combine extensive knowledge built up in finance as well as software development. Harvesting the best of both worlds made it possible to create highly successful trading algorithms that give consistent returns to subscribers with peace of mind.
Dreamcatcher is a multi-strategy trading algorithm, utilizing a balanced mix of technical indicators and pattern recognition, using 4H candle data for decision-making. It uses 100% account size and 1x leverage by default.
The Elastic bots are based on the idea of mean-reversion and as such, trade ranging markets. The Scalp uses 1-minute candles, while the Swing trades 15-minutes. They can DCA up to 5x leverage and close the trades when expecting high volatility.
Click on the widgets below to learn more about each strategy, see full trade history and statistics.
Send an e-mail and join a private discord available for subscribers. Follow on Twitter for frequent updates!
Starting from February 2023, all bots are available free of charge for users signing up to ByBit, OKX, Bitget or Blofin using the following links, which also reward fee discounts and signup bonuses. Once signed up, reach out by e-mail or on Twitter with your user id and Compendium username, to gain access to all my bots for free:

Available Strategies
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Elastic Swing BTC
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Elastic Scalp BTC
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- Traded pair: ETH/USD
- Traded pair: BTC/USD
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- Total trades executed: Loading...
- Win rate: Loading...
- Max. drawdown: Loading...
- Signal performance: Loading...
- Including fees: Loading...
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Signal performance​
1 month
3 months
6 months
Signal history
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Useful links
Recommended exchanges:
- OKX: https://www.okx.com/join/ALGOTRADE (5% lifelong discount and exclusive FREE access to all my bots)
- ByBit: https://partner.bybit.com/b/algotrades (15% trade fee discount, up to $30.000 signup bonus, and exclusive FREE access to all my bots)
- Bitget: https://partner.bitget.com/bg/QGSN3L (5% lifelong discount and exclusive FREE access to all my bots)
- Blofin: https://partner.blofin.com/d/algotrades (10% lifelong discount and exclusive FREE access to all my bots)
- Binance: https://accounts.binance.com/en/register?ref=IUOWCBNV (5% life-long fee discount)
Start with simple Grid and DCA strategies:
- TradeSanta: http://tradesanta.com/site/set-referral-cookie?referral_id=136562 (14 days free trial)
Browse various automated strategies and sign up to them in a few clicks:
- CompendiumFi: https://compendium.finance/?via=algotrades (10% off your first time purchase on any bots, regardless if it's for 1 or 12 months)
Create your own strategies
- TradingView: https://www.tradingview.com/gopro/?share_your_love=LBandy (get $30 off your first purchase)
- Learn Pine script: https://www.tradingview.com/pine-script-docs/en/v4/index.html
- My AMA with Bonfida on how to build bots: https://bonfida.medium.com/bonfida-ama-featuring-overhead-gains-a55657074ea9
- Elastic Trading Suite Overview with CompendiumFi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zggS8MAQkrw
- General Trading Strategy Overview with CompendiumFi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZPV4-B_FaY
Easily automate your own signals:
- Wunderbit: https://trading.wunderbit.co/en/trader/register?ref=wbtaab1c1c7 (10% fee discount)
Stay in touch:
- Follow on Twitter for frequent updates: https://twitter.com/OverheadGains
- Reach out by e-mail: [email protected]
How do I set up the bots?
It's quite easy actually. You first register on a supported crypto exchange (like Binance Futures or FTX), then create a sub-account for the bot to trade on, then create an API key. The API key allows external platforms to execute trades on your accounts. Once done, you sign up on any of the platforms offering access to my bots (like CompendiumFi or Stacked Invest), purchase a subscription to the bot, and then enter your API key details enabling the platform to trade for you.
Do the bots buy and sell spot assets?
No, the bots only bet on the direction of expected market movements, they don't buy or sell spot assets, so your collateral will always be under your control.
Can I deposit to, or withdraw from the bot account while the bot is in a trade?
Yes, you can, but if you withdraw, make sure to close the trade partially to the percentage you are planning on withdrawing to avoid increasing your leverage.
Do the bots select the trade size?
The bots trade 100% of your account size by default, which results in a 95% position size to account for funding and margin requirements.
Can I run the bot on more than the default leverage?
Yes, you can, but please take into consideration the drawdown on the bot and also the collateral you are going to use. The easiest to see which leverage works best for you is by multiplying the drawdown with your selected leverage. 40% drawdown on 2x means 80%, while on 3x would result in liquidation. Also if you plan to hold non-stables as collateral, take into account the deprecation of those assets while the bot is in a position. 40% drawdown on 2x, while holding BTC or ETH as collateral, would result in liquidation. My goal is to provide a reliable strategy that provides good returns over time, and not to gamble away your money, so only run leverage over the default settings at your own risk!
Can I connect multiple bots, or execute manual trades on the same account?
While you can, please don't. The bots assume that they have full control over your account, and when other bots or you try to trade, the new positions will decrease the amount of available collateral for the bot to use. Also, if the bot is currently in a trade and new positions are opened, you will increase your leverage and risk liquidation if the market turns against you.
Do I need to configure something on the exchange?
If you are using FTX, it's recommended to set Margin Leverage in the Settings to at least double your planned leverage. So if you are running Dreamcatcher or Earthshaker on 1x, please consider setting 2x, while if you run the Elastic bots on 5x, set at least 10x. The reason for this is FTX is sometimes slow in adding back collateral after a trade is closed, and when the bot tries to open a new position, you might not have enough balance to do so! Setting Margin Leverage to double your planned leverage enables the exchange to always execute the trade since you will have double of your collateral available at all times.
Is it recommended to set fixed Stop loss or Take profit targets?
I don't recommend a fixed SL or TP for the bots, since they would simply lock in potential losses in a wick while the position could still recover. The bots use dynamic SLs that can be changed based on market conditions.
Can I lose all my money?
While the bots are configured to be profitable over a longer period of time, temporary drawdowns can occur that will result in an overall decrease in your balance. By following the recommended setup and not running the bots over the default leverage, it is highly unlikely that you will lose all your money. At the same time, bots can not be accounted for any black swan events, exchange outages, failure of execution by any of the platforms involved, or any other unforeseen events. Only risk what you are comfortable losing! Bot trading is for passive wealth building and should not be treated as gambling for quick profits.
Are the bots continuously updated?
While making changes to the strategies can invalidate past performance, I always aim to improve results and frequently develop new features. I'm very careful not to make any changes that decrease prior performance.
I want to trade more than $100k, is this possible?
The maximum amount of money I expect the bot to trade at any time is the maximum subscriber count * the maximum position size. When bots are successful, they tend to be oversubscribed, and without careful money management, there can be a few percent slippages between subscribers, as the bots start to move more money than the market can account for. My goal is to provide a passive way to earn money and I want to make sure everyone will get in at the same prices, hence the limitation in both trade sizes and subscribers count. If you want to trade more than $100k, please purchase multiple subscriptions, as this is the only way I can make sure all trades will work smoothly.
Are the bots offered in a bundle?
No, the bots are only offered separately. The reason most bot authors bundle up bots is to be able to sell them at a higher price, while usually including only 1-2 good bots, and fill up the rest with the ones you never wanted to use. I aim to be transparent with what's in the package, and not trying to charge money for products you don't need.
Will the price of the bots change?
From time to time the price might increases. If this happens, all current subscribers will be grandfathered at the current pricing, meaning only new subscribers will face an increased fee.
Do you offer a managed fund, or direct access to the algos via webhooks or API Keys?
For the time being, I only offer my bots on verified marketplaces.
Do you have a discord server?
I don't have one specified for crypto, but I do have one for my other business, which has a secret crypto corner with trade signals and discussions. If you are interested, reach out by e-mail or on Twitter to get an invite!
When Fees are displayed, a standard 0.06% trade fee, real slippage based on execution delays, and historical funding rates fetched from FTX are taken into account. These calculations match the performance of live-trading control accounts, however, user experience can vary based on various factors. (proof: https://twitter.com/OverheadGains/status/1442100949665857536)
All information and data on this website are for informational purposes only. The authors make no representations as to the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity, of any information. The authors will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided as-is with no warranties and confers no rights. The authors will not be responsible for any material that is found at the end of links that I may post.
The information contained in this website does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any security, commodity or instrument, or related derivative, nor do they constitute an offer or commitment to lend, syndicate, or arrange to finance, underwrite or purchase or act as an agent or advisor or in any other capacity with respect to any transaction, or commit capital, or to participate in any trading strategies.
Because the information on this website is based on personal opinion and experience, it should not be considered professional legal, regulatory, accounting, or tax advice. The authors recommend that the users of this website seek independent third-party legal, regulatory, accounting, and tax advice regarding the contents of this website.
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